We are devoted to accelerating Kingdom transformation in and through business—around the globe.
We exist to help break the cycle of poverty by supporting and helping create Kingdom-minded, sustainable and missional businesses in the least reached and most vulnerable parts of the world.
As the global Business as Mission expression of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, we desire to see transformation achieved by businesses that focus on a Quadruple Bottom Line approach.
We embrace the value and worth of every individual, and long for them to become all that God has created them to be so that they can have an impactful role in the global mission of God.
We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by making disciples who spread the Gospel in and through business and the marketplace. We believe in the importance of networking and seek to partner with people, working together for the glory of God by empowering each person with the call to business to collaborate with other like-minded believers.
Our Vision & Mission:
Our Inception
GlobalWorks invites people like you to strengthen the social fabric of communities, working together for Kingdom global impact. We are here to help domestic and international business owners fulfill their calling and the Great Commission.
We do so by hosting the quarterly ENGAGE events and monthly communities of practice circles as well as offering the Incubator program–a program designed to help incubate Business for Transformation (B4T) startups in what are the world’s most challenging markets and spiritually unreached places.
We also believe working with indigenous entrepreneurs to foster economic uplift means we say in a real, practical way “YOU’VE GOT THIS!” As a businessperson you can offer your experience and share what you believe is necessary for sustainable enterprise development.
It is our goal to stimulate the creation of and support an ever-increasing movement of like-minded, Kingdom-driven, missional businesses with a focus on the least-reached and most vulnerable parts of the world.
Our Internship program, launched in September 2020, provide the opportunity for students/young professionals to gain tangible work experience in a collaborative team and also provide the opportunity for them to learn about missional business for the unreached through monthly calls with Global Workers.
Our Programs
ENGAGE is a dynamic five-tier event series hosted on Zoom for students interested in hearing the stories of global professionals living out their faith through their work in a restricted context. The time together includes speakers sharing, Q&A time and jumping into a real-life case study challenge as a team to solve a local problem in one of our global worker’s contexts.
Internship Program
Through our internship program we provide skills training, career coaching, and meaningful work experience to students. This program is an opportunity to foster young professionals to learn and grow in a way that expands the creativity that God has given them. Often, this program serves as an introduction to the concept of missional business for these students.
The Incubator
The Incubator is a program that supports and equips business professionals to move their business idea from its starting stage to launch. We offer information and training that is filtered for its practicality. We partner with YOUR work ethics and work with you to bring YOUR vision together. We spend time exploring issues, principles, processes, tools and templates then expect you to return to your community and use what you have learned.
Round Table Discussions
Partnering with BAM Canada, we host Round Table to bring necessary discussions about business, world issues in unreached places and wealth creation in order to brainstorm practical ways to bring about a change for future generations. This event happens alongside leaders in the business world and churches across the globe through virtual meetings.